A silhouetted group of rock climbers use teamwork to reach the top.
A silhouetted group of rock climbers use teamwork to reach the top.

Capitol Area R-TAC Partners

Katie Brackenridge

Katie Brackenridge has worked in and with schools, school districts and community organizations her entire career. As a consultant affiliated with the Glen Price Group, Katie works with schools, districts and county offices of education to put in place whole-child practices and systems that create positive, equitable learning environments for students. She also helps statewide initiatives plan and integrate whole-child approaches into their work.

Katie was previously a Partnership Director at Turnaround for Children (now the Center for Whole-Child Education at ASU) where she helped educators implement whole-child practices. Before joining Turnaround, Katie was the Vice President of Programs at the Partnership for Children & Youth, a non-profit intermediary organization focused on improving practice and policy for after school and summer programs in public schools and affordable housing. Katie’s work is grounded in her 9-year experience as Co-Executive Director for the Jamestown Community Center, a grassroots youth organization in the Mission District of San Francisco. Katie has a BA from Williams College and an MPP from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.